Peer Review Process
The peer review process of a submitted manuscript to this journal is outlined below:
- All manuscripts submitted to this journal are subject to initial screening. The Editorial Board will perform an initial screening of the manuscript to see if the manuscript fits within the journal’s aim and scope. Manuscripts that fall outside the journal’s aims and scope will be desk rejected.
- After a due scrutiny, the article, if found by the Editorial Board to be suitable for publication, may be sent to its author for compliance with the journal's submission guidelines (if not already complied with). The manuscript is then sent for a blind peer review to at least two subject matter experts. At least one reviewer will be an expert in the relevant area. Upon the reviewers' recommendations in favour of the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, the Editor makes the final decision to consider the publication in its present form, or to ask its author for resubmission, or reject it otherwise.
- The decision on the acceptance/rejection of a manuscript is based on the average score given by the reviewers. The reviewers grade a submitted manuscript on a scale of 1 to 5 given the overall merit of each manuscript. To be accepted for publication, the manuscript must obtain an average score of not less than 3.0. It is the final decision of the Editor whether an article will be finally accepted or rejected.
- The Editorial Board ensures that only previously UNPUBLISHED original research work shall appear in AABER. Submission of an article to this journal implies that the work performed by the author is original and has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not submitted elsewhere or under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and implicitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other languages, without the written consent of AABER.
- The AABER Editorial Office reserves the right to adjust the contents (by editing or otherwise altering all contributions) of a manuscript to follow the uniformity of its publications. Author(s) will receive proofs for approval before publication.
- There are concerns in academia about plagiarism, including self-plagiarism and duplication of publication(s). All submissions will be checked for potential plagiarism. We may use relevant software (for example CrossCheck powered by iThenticate or Turnitin) to detect plagiarism. Articles published fully or partly in other publication outlets in similar or significantly different formats will not be reviewed. All manuscripts containing plagiarism (including self-plagiarism, duplication of publication and dishonesty) will be immediately rejected.
- The corresponding author must comply with the submission checklist by ticking in the relevant boxes.
- There is no submission or acceptance fee to publish papers in this journal. However, the final version of an accepted manuscript to this journal must be language edited by a professional language editing service, unless at least one author of your paper is a native English language speaker, and it is guaranteed that the manuscript is free from typos and grammatical errors.
- The review time, length and publication may vary subject to the availability of subject matter experts to review the manuscripts. We anticipate that the initial review will be completed within six weeks. All accepted papers should be published in the following issue, unless advised otherwise.
- Copyrights for articles published in AABER will be retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to AABER. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. AABER will not be liable to take an action for possible infringement of authors’ published work in AABER.
- For privacy reasons unless otherwise advised by the authors(s), the journal will not publish author(s)’ email addresses anywhere in the journal and this will not be made available to any other party. The journal, however, will publish the authors’ full institutional affiliations.
- AABER will acknowledge the receipt of each submission and after performing a review, only the review report will be sent to the corresponding author. Authors are advised to safely keep a copy of their work as AABER will not return a copy of the submitted manuscript.